Insurance By Trade
We´ve Got Tailored Policies For Hundreds Of Professions
Small Business have created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each of the specific professions listed below.
We have also grouped the professions by 10 specific categories to make it easier to find.
Insurance for Autos
Automotive businesses encounter a high risk of injuries and property damage. Our high-performance Liability Insurance is custom-built to your specifications so that you’re not left behind in the event of an accident.
Insurance for Beauty and Health Businesses
Beauty Insurance is protection for professionals who spend untold amounts of time and energy making their clients look their best; we offer a likewise commitment to service, covering a variety of scenarios common to the industry.
Cosmetologist Insurance is developed to cover the financial threats of running a business dedicated to making their customers leave feeling good about themselves. Few things feel better than knowing you’re taken care of in the unfortunate event of an accident.
Insurance for Retail Stores
Retail Insurance covers retailers from liabilities unique to their businesses, with concerns like customers, employees, inventories, etc. Let us worry about protection for risks associated with such a public industry while you focus on your business.
Insurance for Food Stores & Delivery
Food Service Insurance can assist in coverage against unforeseen expenses and aid you in keeping open when things go awry. In such a chaotic industry, incidents like injuries, lawsuits or broken equipment should be the least of your worries.
Insurance for Contractors and Construction Business
Contractor Insurance is a vital necessity in order to obtain certain licenses and win bids for projects. Allow us to help you with that aspect of your business so that coming out of pocket on mishaps won’t be a concern.
Insurance for Fitness and Sports Businesses
Fitness Insurance is for professionals who take part in the training of others and, by the very nature of their industry, push people to their limits. Why limit yourself with insurance that isn’t made for the needs of your specialized business?
Insurance for Health and Wellness Businesses
Health and Wellness Insurance is for professionals who strive to preserve the well-being of their patients. Our coverage is there to take care of you when misfortune takes your eyes off of what’s really vital… your business.
Insurance for Real State and Property Businesses
Real Estate and Property Insurance is protection that encompasses concerns of not only buildings and houses, but also equipment, tenants and employees. Being spread thin is a reality of your business, worrying about coverage is ours. Don’t take on more than you have to, let us take care protecting you with bespoke coverage for your business.
Insurance for Services Businesses
Services Insurance is for businesses who provide a service to clients or customers with a number of moving parts and any one of those moving parts could go wrong. With so many businesses available, it would make sense to pick coverage that fits yours and not one size fits all.
Do you need Business Insurance?
Call Us: (888) 910-0520
Benefits of getting insured by
Small Business
Small Business has created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each specific profession listed below.
If you have any questions, we are staffed with experts in the insurance field who are willing to help.
Our experts can guide you to the right coverage for your business.
We know your time is really tight, but you can set up a call at any time; we are 24/7.