Insurance By Trade
Moving Company Insurance
Moving Company Business Insurance
According to the Better Business Bureau, moving companies are among the top categories searched on their website. Also, the American Moving and Storage Association (AMSA) tells us that there were 650,000 professionally conducted moves last year.
And yes, there were problems with some of those removals. Almost 10,000 complaints against moving companies were fielded by the Better Business Bureau . That’s the figure for just one year. What if your furniture moving company had been one of them? Would you still be in business?
Recommended POLICIES
- Commercial General Liability Insurance
- Commercial Property Coverage
- Loss of Income Coverage
- Equipment Breakdown Coverage
Choose Small Business Liability for the Right Insurance at the Right Price.

What it is Moving Company Insurance?
This ratio of complaints against moving companies to the removals themselves does not seem terrible. The damage seems low. Especially when you consider the difficulty of moving household goods, piece by piece. This is unless your moving company was one of the ones that were sued of course.
Most small moving companies are aware of these statistics. However, not all of them have a liability insurance policy. Does yours?

5 Best Reasons to get Moving Company Insurance
Protect Your Reputation
Insurance protects against employees misrepresenting your company.
Plan For The Future
Insurance protects against unforeseen risks.
Lawsuit Protection
Vital protection in a litigious society.
Prevent Financial Ruin
Insurance helps your business survive disaster.
Get Peace of Mind
Insurance that protects the little guy.
“It will never happen to me!”
Are you prepared if it ever does?
There are so many opportunities during a move for misunderstandings, unexpected events and accidental property damage. Hey, nobody is perfect. Which is exactly why your moving and storage company needs a commercial policy issued by a reputable insurance company. Above all, it should be one geared to protecting your assets. However, if you have a business owners policy, you will be protected against financial loss for damages.
The liability risks to a moving and storage company come from several directions. This means that your insurance policy will likely consist of specific policies bundled together. For instance, liability insurance for your moving company should include errors and omissions insurance. Consequently, any negligence complaints against your company, real or imagined, will be covered.
What if…
Your contract stipulates that your moving company will leave the premises broom clean. Your client interprets that to mean a complete clean out of any and all household goods, even those they have not included in the inventory. However, all it means to you is sweeping up debris. Your client’s landlord refuses to return the security deposit. Why not? Because of costs associated with moving out the items that were left behind. Consequently, before you know it, a lawsuit is filed against you claiming your moving company did not fulfill the contracted responsibilities.”
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What Moving Company Insurance Do I Need?
Commercial General Liability Insurance
This coverage protects rental property owners against claims of alleged or actual bodily injury or property damage to third parties (these include visitors, tenants, delivery persons, etc.). The general liability coverage is important in protecting you from lawsuits.
Commercial Property Coverage
This insurance coverage will protect you against the loss of your apartment building as well as other type of buildings and structures like offices, and garages, swimming pools, storage buildings and fences within the complex.
Loss of Income Coverage
This insurance coverage reimburses apartment owners for the loss of income due to damage by a covered loss (like fire or storm).
Equipment Breakdown Coverage
As a building owner, you might have heating and cooling units, for example. This insurance coverage will typically apply to such equipment breakdown. The loss must be sudden and accidental. Wear and tear is not included in this type of insurance policy.
Benefits of getting insured by
Small Business
Small Business has created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each specific profession listed below.
If you have any questions, we are staffed with experts in the insurance field who are willing to help.
Our experts can guide you to the right coverage for your business.
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