Insurance By Trade
Home Inspector Insurance
Home Inspector Insurance
Home buyers make important (and expensive) decisions based on your home inspection reports. They spend their hard earned money because you tell them it’s okay to do so.
Your home inspection services are often the final determining factor in the home buying leap of faith. Also, purchasing real estate is often a highly emotional process, and the buyer relies on advice from the home inspector to steer them straight.
Recommended POLICIES
- Commercial General Liability Insurance
- Commercial Property Coverage
- Loss of Income Coverage
- Equipment Breakdown Coverage
We will find the best coverage at the best price for your specific business and needs.

What it is Home Inspector Insurance?
With that kind of responsibility, a home inspector can’t afford to make a mistake. Even so, nobody is perfect. Mistakes get made in every industry, and the real estate niche is no different. In fact, it’s likely that a home inspector will make a mistake at some point in their career.
For this reason, home inspectors are urged to protect themselves and their small home inspection business with insurance coverage that includes Errors & Omissions insurance.
Also known as E&O insurance, this is a type of commercial liability coverage. It will protect your home inspection business against claims arising from any failure to provide correct advice or information. For both independent contractors and home inspection business owners, E&O insurance is about risk management.

5 Best Reasons to get Home Inspector Insurance
Protect Your Reputation
Insurance protects against employees misrepresenting your company.
Plan For The Future
Insurance protects against unforeseen risks.
Lawsuit Protection
Vital protection in a litigious society.
Prevent Financial Ruin
Insurance helps your business survive disaster.
Get Peace of Mind
Insurance that protects the little guy.
Home Inspector Insurance
We make it our business to understand your business risks and provide for your insurance needs. Your coverage will be specific to your business needs. Just as general liability insurance is a must have for any home inspection business, E&O insurance coverage can easily be added to your Business Owners Policy.
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“It will never happen to me!”
Are you prepared if it ever does?
It is not just your signature on the line on your home inspection report. Your reputation as well as your personal and business financial health are also at risk.
Also, clients interpret your reports as they see fit. As a result, your liability risk becomes complicated. Imagine having to pay for that client’s electrical service upgrade to his garage. Protect yourself with full coverage liability insurance customized to suit your home inspection business needs.
One negligence claim can put you out of business. Your home inspection business is a risky one, but it need not be. A comprehensive home inspector insurance policy will free you to operate your business with peace of mind.
What if…
For instance, you tell the client his electrical service is adequate for average use in the home. He goes to his garage and plugs in an exhaust fan, paint sprayer, and electric heater. He also has a TV and fridge plugged in along with shop lights and the garage door opener. There is also a power sander and router. But, there is only one circuit serving the garage and the usage is clearly not normal to everybody except him. He can file a lawsuit against you for not disclosing the garage needs its own electrical service.”
What Home Inspector Insurance Do I Need?
Commercial General Liability Insurance
This coverage protects rental property owners against claims of alleged or actual bodily injury or property damage to third parties (these include visitors, tenants, delivery persons, etc.). The general liability coverage is important in protecting you from lawsuits.
Commercial Property Coverage
This insurance coverage will protect you against the loss of your apartment building as well as other type of buildings and structures like offices, and garages, swimming pools, storage buildings and fences within the complex.
Loss of Income Coverage
This insurance coverage reimburses for the loss of income due to damage by a covered loss (like fire or storm).
Equipment Breakdown Coverage
As a building owner, you might have heating and cooling units, for example. This insurance coverage will typically apply to such equipment breakdown. The loss must be sudden and accidental. Wear and tear is not included in this type of insurance policy.
Benefits of getting insured by
Small Business
Small Business has created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each specific profession listed below.
If you have any questions, we are staffed with experts in the insurance field who are willing to help.
Our experts can guide you to the right coverage for your business.
We know your time is really tight, but you can set up a call at any time; we are 24/7.