Insurance By Trade
Handyman Insurance
Handyman Insurance
Your customers treasure having your phone number to call when needed. When something needs repair, you are the man of the hour. There are just too few of you to keep up with the demand. Before you know it, you are not only a handyman but a small business owner.
Recommended POLICIES
- Commercial General Liability Insurance
- Commercial Property Coverage
- Loss of Income Coverage
- Equipment Breakdown Coverage
We will find the best coverage at the best price for your specific business and needs.

How Insurance Will Make You A Better Handyman
Now you have responsibility and risk of liability. How will you protect your business? It could be your only source of income. It makes sense to guard this against loss of business and personal assets to a liability claim.
We recommend that you take the first step and speak with an insurance agency about handyman insurance.
As the business owner, you can use the fact that you have invested in insurance to promote your handyman business. Smart customers are more likely to hire you if they know there is no risk to them.
So advertise your handyman insurance. Let them know your workers are covered by workers compensation if they fall through the roof. They will appreciate that the general liability lies with your business and not them.

5 Best Reasons to Get Handyman Insurance
Protect Your Reputation
Insurance protects against employees misrepresenting your company.
Plan For The Future
Insurance protects against unforeseen risks.
Lawsuit Protection
Vital protection in a litigious society.
Prevent Financial Ruin
Insurance helps your business survive disaster.
Get Peace of Mind
Insurance protects the little guy
Custom Build Your Handyman Insurance
You will attract higher quality employees. These are those are experienced and see the risks. With workers compensation protecting them and your general liability insurance protecting their employer, you are creating more opportunities for your small business.
Then too, there are potential customers who are unaware of the risks when they allow someone to work in their home. By advertising your comprehensive insurance, you are educating them. They will know it’s in their best interest to hire only a handyman business with handyman insurance.
Small Business Liability is an experienced insurance company. We know to look at your needs before we suggest any insurance policy. However, we do often begin by suggesting a general liability insurance policy. This includes vital protection against personal injury, property damage, third person liability and errors of omission and commission. If you are confused about what kind of insurance you need, just give us a call.
Do you need Business Insurance?
Call Us: (888) 910-0520
What Handyman Insurance is Best?
“It will never happen to me!” ARE YOU PREPARED IF IT EVER DOES?
It pays to be properly protected. Generally, handyman insurance includes policies such as:
- Business Owners Policy
- General Liability
- Property Damage
- Business Auto
- Worker’s Compensation
What if…
Because you have the right tool for any household repairs, you are confident to take on last minute or emergency jobs. Yesterday your toolbox was full. Today, not so much. Not only are tools missing, but the ones that are left will make the project difficult. You don’t have the time or the money to waste on this problem. Will you be able to produce a quality job quickly? A bad job will damage your reputation.”
About Handyman Insurance
Commercial General Liability Insurance
This coverage protects rental property owners against claims of alleged or actual bodily injury or property damage to third parties (these include visitors, tenants, delivery persons, etc.). The general liability coverage is important in protecting you from lawsuits.
Commercial Property Coverage
This insurance coverage will protect you against the loss of your apartment building as well as other type of buildings and structures like offices, and garages, swimming pools, storage buildings and fences within the complex.
Loss of Income Coverage
This insurance coverage reimburses apartment owners for the loss of income due to damage by a covered loss (like fire or storm).
Equipment Breakdown Coverage
As a building owner, you might have heating and cooling units, for example. This insurance coverage will typically apply to such equipment breakdown. The loss must be sudden and accidental. Wear and tear is not included in this type of insurance policy.
Benefits of getting insured by
Small Business
Small Business has created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each specific profession listed below.
If you have any questions, we are staffed with experts in the insurance field who are willing to help.
Our experts can guide you to the right coverage for your business.
We know your time is really tight, but you can set up a call at any time; we are 24/7.