Insurance By Trade

Nail Salon Insurance

Nail Salon Insurance

Five years ago there were almost 130,000 nail salons in operation in the US. But now there are only just over 56,300. Despite this, revenue in the industry has remained static, with over $9 billion being spent on nail salon services. 

If your nail salon is still in business, it is likely that your nail salon is earning more money than before. But, does this mean that your nail salon business will survive the next five years?

Recommended POLICIES

  • Commercial General Liability Insurance
  • Commercial Property Coverage
  • Loss of Income Coverage
  • Equipment Breakdown Coverage

Nail Salons With Insurance Have a Business Advantage


Successful Small Businesses Are Prepared For Things To Go Wrong

Every nail salon has a duty of care. This means that your salon takes  reasonable steps to protect your clients, guests and nail technicians from harm. However, despite your best efforts, accidents do happen.  You may find yourself facing a claim for compensation.

For instance, one of your clients may be allergic to the chemicals used to remove a gel nail or they could develop skin damage due to the UV light used to harden the product.

You may have survived recent turmoil in your industry, but will your nail salon business survive litigation? We’re here to help you to invest in the best nail salon insurance to cover your small business from accidents, loss of income, negligence, theft, property damage and other claims.

Why have Nail Salon Insurance

5 Best Reasons to get Nail Salon Insurance

Protect Your Reputation

Insurance protects against employees misrepresenting your company.

Plan For The Future

Insurance protects against unforeseen risks.

Lawsuit Protection

Vital protection in a litigious society.

Prevent Financial Ruin

Insurance helps your business survive disaster.

Get Peace of Mind

Insurance that protects the little guy.

Groom Your Nail Salon Business For Success

As a small business owner, you know that a tried-and-tested strategy to business survival is to grow a loyal customer base. Nail salons willing meet customer expectations will always be more popular. In today’s climate this means offering your clients quick access to services. For instance, opportunities for your nail salon business to pull ahead of competitors lie in making it easier for your customers to access your services. For instance:

Only 9% of nail salons use a smartphone booking app. In fact only 16% of nail salons use a computer software program to book client appointments.

Only half of the nail salons in the United States take walk-ins, even though  for those who do, the average wait time is less than 15 minutes.

Even though competition is down, growing a robust and profitable business means taking advantage of opportunities like these. But will this be enough to protect your business?

Do you need Business Insurance?
Call Us: (888) 910-0520

Ask Now About Nail Salon Insurance

Small Business Liability recommends small business insurance coverage tailored to your nail salon’s needs. First we assess your nail salon’s insurance coverage needs. Once we have all the information about your small business, we’ll do your insurance shopping, saving you the trouble and time.

Get on with your business, and leave this to us! Contact one of our Small Business Liability consultants for a free quote.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

This coverage protects business owners against claims of alleged or actual bodily injury or property damage to third parties.

Equipment Breakdown Coverage

This insurance coverage will typically apply to sudden and accidental loss. Wear and tear is not included in this type of insurance policy.

Loss of Income Coverage

This insurance coverage reimburses business owners for the loss of income due to damage by a covered loss (like fire or storm).

Benefits of getting insured by
Small Business

Small Business has created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each specific profession listed below.

If you have any questions, we are staffed with experts in the insurance field who are willing to help.

Our experts can guide you to the right coverage for your business.

We know your time is really tight, but you can set up a call at any time; we are 24/7.