Insurance By Trade

Warehousing Business Owners Insurance

Warehousing Business Owners Insurance

There are more than 400,000 warehouses in the United States. Naturally, this many warehousing facilities means a lot of warehousing businesses. In addition, only about 20,000 of those warehouses have a building area that exceeds 100,000 square feet. This tells us something that you, as the owner of a small warehousing services business, already know.

Warehouse business operators are up against a lot of competition. This is especially true for the smaller warehousing companies.

Recommended POLICIES

  • Commercial General Liability Insurance
  • Commercial Property Coverage
  • Loss of Income Coverage
  • Equipment Breakdown Coverage

We will find the best coverage at the best price for your specific business and needs.


Warehousing Business Challenges

Warehousing seems like a simple business, but it has its own set of challenges. Unlike large warehousing businesses that have the financial muscles to help in their operations, the small-scaled warehouse service providers often lack sufficient resources to grow their businesses. Does this sound familiar to you?

Of course, these are not the only challenges you face as the owner of a warehousing facility. When it comes to liability issues, a small business with limited resources needs protection from claims brought against it. Without adequate insurance coverage, you face the real danger of having to close your doors.

Why have a Warehousing Business Owners Insurance

5 Best Reasons to Get Warehousing Business Owners Insurance

Protect Your Reputation

Insurance protects against employees misrepresenting your company.

Plan For The Future

Insurance protects against unforeseen risks.

Lawsuit Protection

Vital protection in a litigious society.

Prevent Financial Ruin

Insurance helps your business survive disaster.

Get Peace of Mind

Insurance protects the little guy

Should Warehousing Business Owners Insurance Bother With Insurance Policies?

A big problem for many small warehousing and supply chain companies, is knowing which insurance is appropriate for this kind of small business. Without the right advice, you could end up selecting the wrong coverage or, worse yet, paying a high premium for coverage that you do not need.

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“It will never happen to me!”

Are you prepared if it ever does?

As a warehouse storage operator, your business is entrusted with goods that belong to another. A company like yours that acts as a bailee requires insurance coverage for any damage or direct physical loss of the property in your care. You are liable if damage or loss occurs during any of your warehousing operations.

For instance, if something should go wrong during packaging, cross-docking or storage. Warehousing companies that get the right insurance coverage are able to bounce back when those unforeseen things happen.

What if…

A fire damages your warehouse or the contents thereof. Theft is another worry for in warehouse storage facilities. It could also be that an employee, customer or visitor is injured in one of your storage units and claims compensation.”

What Warehousing Business Operator Insurance Do I Need?

Commercial General Liability Insurance

This coverage protects against claims of alleged or actual bodily injury or property damage to third parties (these include visitors, tenants, delivery persons, etc.). The general liability coverage is important in protecting you from lawsuits.

Commercial Property Coverage

This insurance coverage will protect you against the loss or damage to buildings and structures like offices, and garages, swimming pools, storage buildings and fences within the complex.

Loss of Income Coverage

This insurance coverage reimburses business owners for the loss of income due to damage by a covered loss (like fire or storm).

Warehouse Legal

This insurance coverage Protects your bailee business by covering your equipment, accounts receivable, data and software, and physical damage or loss of fixtures and equipment installed in a rented warehouse.

Benefits of getting insured by
Small Business

Small Business has created a comprehensive guide to the insurance required before starting a business for each specific profession listed below.

If you have any questions, we are staffed with experts in the insurance field who are willing to help.

Our experts can guide you to the right coverage for your business.

We know your time is really tight, but you can set up a call at any time; we are 24/7.